19 March 2011

In which I do battle with the kitchen faucet & am once again victorious!

Have I mentioned how much I hate plumbing?! Oh, but I so do.

I've been passive-aggressively dealing with the intermittently dripping kitchen faucet for longer than I care to admit. I even tried to trick myself into letting it drip into my watering can so that I wasn't *really* wasting water.

Earlier this week I decided to tackle the tool closet project, so I had a little sense of accomplishment thing going on. That plus deciding to participate in an exercise program with a few friends helped give me a boost to finally decide to deal with that damn drip once and for all.

Silly me, I thought the solution to all things faucet-drippy involved o-rings. I futilely bought two appropriately sized rings and replaced them... only to learn I needed to replace the springs and seats

On a Saturday.

On a Saturday that is a gorgeous Spring day.

I somehow managed to brave the trip with a bizillionty other people who were getting their DIY on in the ATL. 

I somehow scored princess parking.

I then somehow then managed to walk to the appropriate aisle, armed with the old part contained in a ziploc bag bearing replacement part info in black Sharpie, where a plumbing associate awaited me and showed me the exact item I needed.

I somehow remembered I'm due to replace the filter in my HVAC unit, and noticed the air filters along the back wall at the end of that particular plumbing aisle. I knew the dimensions I needed because it lives in my BlackBerry's DIY memo. 

I somehow managed to get in a short checkout line and spent less than $15. That NEVER happens!

I somehow managed to avoid gorgeous Saturday in midtown ATL traffic while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine through my open sunroof and windows.  Upon returning home, I immediately installed the new seats and springs, made sure everything functioned properly, and declared myself victorious. 

I'm now pondering my housekeeping plan of attack, new adjustments I need to make to the bathroom vanity and tub faucets, rewiring a couple of lamps and reupholstering some chairs.

I'm sure I'll get around to those things eventually...

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