23 June 2009


The house has been empty for a while, therefore it is a sitting target.

The front door was kicked in and the appliances were removed. Fortunately my Dad was able to get over there to secure the house until we all descend upon it in a couple of weeks. The first item on the to-do list is now 'replace door surround'. It's not a job I'll be able to do by myself; fortunately I've got handy family members within driving range.


20 June 2009

First things first: refinishing hardwood floors

First order of business for the house will be to refinish the hardwoods. (Unless there's painting left to do...)

It's the original floor and it's in sound shape, it just hasn't been handled with care in the house's 70+ year lifespan. I plan to give it love and make it shiny and happy again.

Ah but decisions, decisions and more pro/con lists. Oil or water based? To stain or not to stain? Argh!

DIY advice is not created equal-links I found helpful (in completely random order):

And Northside Tool Rental seems to be THE place if'n you're in Atlanta.

yet another blog!

I was perusing some other blog discussing how to organize thoughts, inspiration, ideas and such for remodeling, etc. and someone mentioned they created a blog for that very purpose. I love this so much more than the 3 ring binder idea- I do all my research online and I always have the shiny baby blackberry within reach, so I'll not have to worry about not having accesss to information when it's needed.

Et voila, another blog for me!